
Fleet Compliance: Am I Managing Fleet Compliance Correctly?

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As a fleet manager, you must have many questions related to fleet compliance because running a compliant business is critical for any operation . If we talk about the fleet, there are many types of fleets ranging from large scale to small scale, from public sector to private sector, but everyone seems to be struggling with one thing which is to manage fleet compliance.


Fleet compliance may seem like a straight forward responsibility, but due to the other burden on fleet managers it might pose and the investment in administrative time.

In addition, fleet companies need to ensure that their fleet compliance process is comprehensive and nothing is left out.

How will you going to find out “am I managing fleet compliance correctly?” We share our key areas of focus to ensure you are maintaining your fleet compliance properly or not!

Fleet Compliance Aspects You Need to Focus On

Keeping an eye on working hours

Driving is a task that should not be done by skipping good rest. Here, its is clear that the driver should have good rest. Else, it is not good for any organization and for driver also. That’s why you should keep an eye on driving/working hours. The working hours based on three main principles:

  1. Driver should not not drive more than 9 hours in a day
  2. 56 hours in a week and 90 hours in any two consecutive weeks
  3. A driver must have at least 11 hours rest every day

Regular Vehicle testing

This is also one of the main fleet compliance that should be done on regular basis. Regular testing of your fleet vehicles should be in accordance with preventive road safety measures. Because in this way your vehicles will be subject to a basic safety check at regular intervals.

Driver Audits Compliance

You should check all driver qualifications to ensure all drivers’ licences and specialties meet legal requirements. Also, companies responsibility to make sure that driver licence is renewed smoothly. If you need help with that, you can set up a process with the fleet maintenance software.

Safety and Risk mitigation

Your companies should demonstrate some critical points according to Health and Safety authorities:

  1.  Your organization have safe working environment
  2. Organization is providing the right tools and means for employees to maintain conditions.

Tachograph fleet compliance

The tachograph is a device that records the driving time, brake, rest period as well as the duration of other tasks performed by the driver. So, installing a digital tachograph is compulsory when your vehicle is new and over 3,5 tons with goods transportation. Also, if your vehicle is carrying more than 9 persons including the driver with passenger transport.

If you want to manage compliance , then let us know we will help you to maintain a fleet compliance with less paperwork and administration, —you can begin a free trial of our compliance software any time.

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