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Common Obstacles Fleet Managers Often Experience at Work

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If you work in the cargo industry, your everyday tasks could involve challenges that you must figure out how to overcome, especially if you want to meet your clients’ needs. Most of the time, your routine as a fleet manager could involve organising several schedules, assigning tasks to your employees, and checking if everyone is adhering to regulatory fleet policies.

When everything within the company is operating as it should, you have an easier time watching over your fleet. Depending on the scope and limitations of your company’s services, you could be watching over several fleets taking trips across states, regions, or countries.

While being a fleet manager comes with difficult responsibilities, it can be quite fulfilling once your customers commend you for doing a job well done and paying you what you rightfully deserve. If you’re struggling with your tasks, keep reading below to find out the typical challenges you often encounter and how to improve your fleet management accordingly.

Dealing with Too Much Information

When managing an entire fleet, you deal with loads of information all the time. At one point, you could be overwhelmed and feel the weight on your shoulders. A single vehicle alone consists of a significant amount of data you must be familiar with, such as its assigned routes, fuel consumption, speed limitations, selected workers, and more.

If you have several vehicles to look after, the information can likely wear you out, especially if you do things manually. However, you shouldn’t give yourself a hard time and instead, learn to utilise modern technology to make your situation easier. By using an electronic fleet management software, you can obtain all the information in one place.

Monitoring and Updating Your Inventory

As a fleet manager, you must always stay on your feet and ensure all the company’s assets are intact to prevent them from getting lost or stolen. Improper handling could lead to unnecessary expenses that will turn into a liability.

If your fleet takes up a vast area, the more reasons for you to depend on a smart fleet GPS tracking device. It will allow you to keep a watchful eye on your vehicles, including their location and status, helping you send updates regularly to your clients as well.

Handling Fuel Expenses of Your Fleet

Regardless of the kind of vehicle that makes up your fleet, fuel usage is one of the essential factors that can make or break your operations. It can take up a massive portion of your company’s expenditures, and if you fail to monitor it, you could end up spending more than you’re earning.

Instead of manually handling your fleet’s fuel consumption, you could use a fleet fuel management software to assess the fuel usage of each vehicle in your fleet. It will also give you a better idea if your employees should make the needed steps to improve fleet efficiency. 

Looking for the Best Routes to Save Fuel

The routes, turns, and roads that your fleet takes are integral to how fast they can get to their destination. If your drivers aren’t good with directions, it can lead to more expenses like wasted fuel, unexpected downtime, and vehicle wear and tear.

Your clients can also become unsatisfied because the delivery is delayed and the project isn’t done on time. But by using a fleet tracking software, you can acquire trip data to help you enhance the routes your fleet takes, minimise mileage, and send out real-time road updates.


All fleet managers strive to do an excellent job of accomplishing the projects they oversee by assigning tasks to employees. Their typical workload involves dealing with too much information, monitoring and updating the inventory, handling fuel expenses, and determining the best routes to save fuel. If you want to make your job easier, you should consider modern technology and incorporate a fleet maintenance software.

Are you looking for the best fleet GPS tracking system in Melbourne for your business? Manage Vehicle offers a fleet management software and compliance system to help companies monitor their vehicles and fleets, reduce fuel costs, and track fleet compliance. Get in touch with us today to receive a quote!

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